Weekend Workshop with Marko Jovanović


You are already advanced on the harmonica? Are you looking for new ideas and a way to refine your playing? Then this weekend workshop with Marko Jovanović is the right place for you. Marko will help you develop an expressive and personal style with the appropriate playing techniques. The right intonation, tongue blocking, dynamics or overblow playing, and ornamentation: when choosing playing techniques, Marko will also take into account the playing abilities and wishes of the participants. Examples and specific exercises will help you to train playing techniques and bring them into fluency, so that you can transfer them intuitively into your music. Look forward to an intensive training.

A workshop for diatonic harmonica. The teaching language is German and if necessary English.
(8 hours of lessons, concert “Trio Tihai”)

The instructor
Marko Jovanović is known for his warm and soulful sound. He is one of the leading harmonica teachers in Germany.
Marko Jovanović

ufafabrik, Studio 2, Viktoriastr. 10-18, 12105 Berlin

Friday: 5:00 – 7:00 PM Uhr
Saturday: 11:00 AM – 5.00 PM, evening: concert with the Trio Tihai
Sunday: 11:00 AM – 2.00 PM


Weekend Workshop: 365 €

guest house ufafabrik

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